GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE FIRST CASPIAN ECONOMIC FORUM The process of the formalization of the legal status of the world’s biggest landlocked water body – the Caspian Sea, began in November 1996 in Ashgabat at the first meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the Caspian states In parallel …
ادامه مطلبThe third photo exhibition of Female Journalist Association with support of TAACWEST
.The third photo exhibition of Female Journalist Association with support of TAACWEST forces organized in Arena in western Afghanistan In this exhibition, 20 photos, which were token by four members of Female Journalist Associations photographers exhibited. In this exhibition the governor of Herat province, the director of women affairs and …
ادامه مطلبHerat, Afghanistan
Description This beautifully rendered map of Herat dates from 1880, the final year of the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878–80). The map depicts Herat’s impressive defenses and its roughly square plan. The southern and most imposing part of the citadel, “the Ark” (from the Persian arg, citadel) remains standing and is …
ادامه مطلبHerat, Afghanistan 1933
Business hugs the Kandahar Gate at Herat: Vegetable stands, bake ovens, and money-changers’ booths have grouped themselves outside the portal from which starts the south road. They add an air of animation to this, the busiest of the five entrances. The earthwork on which the city wall stands is 50 …
1958 FORD COMMERCIAL IN HERAT, AFGHANISTAN The 1958 Ford is contrasted with the Afghan horse & buggy. This came part of a catalog documenting a trip that began in Turkey and ended up in Afghanistan (and back as the ad says). The idea seems to be that if this car …
ادامه مطلبHerat-1880
DESCRIPTION The caption reads in the original French: La citadelle Hérat. Publisher:Paris: La Librairie Illustrée, 1885-1891 Keywords: 1880s, 19th century, Afghanistan, antiquity, Asia, black & white, cityscape, fort, reference book Published in 1885-1891 Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique universel illustré By Trousset, Jules (under the direction of) Paris: 1885-1891
ادامه مطلب(Herat (1885
he Illustrated London News, Vol. 87 (1885/2), p. 179. Image 2 de 7
ادامه مطلبHerat – 1885
The Illustrated London News, Vol. 87 (1885/2), Aug. 15, p. 179. Image 3 de 7
ادامه مطلبHerat-1863
The Illustrated London News, Vol. 42 (1863), June 13, p. 648. Image 5 de 7
ادامه مطلبAFGHANISTAN. Herat, from The Citadel – 1863 – old
AFGHANISTAN. Herat, from The Citadel – 1863 – old antique vintage print – engraving art picture prints of Afghanistan Castles – Illustrated London News
ادامه مطلب